We are excited to be building the new, state-of-the-art Northpine Emergency Department at Centenary Hospital. Please plan ahead and allow extra time for parking as construction is underway. Learn more.

Cardiac Care

Home to the regional cardiac centre for Scarborough-Durham and leader of North America’s largest regional, community-based cardiovascular rehab service.

Cardiologist showing image of heart to patient
General Information

Cardiac Care at Scarborough Health Network

Scarborough Health Network (SHN) is a leader in cardiac care. We deliver quality cardiac services across our Birchmount, General, and Centenary hospitals.

As home to the designated cardiac centre for the Scarborough-Durham region, we offer the most comprehensive range of cardiac services to local and surrounding communities.

You can count on us to provide the highest level of expertise and excellence in patient care.

surgeons performing cardiac procedure

Having a Cardiac Emergency?

If you think that you or someone you’re with is having a heart attack:

Step 1: Call 9-1-1

Emergency Services will get you to the care you need the fastest! In Scarborough-Durham, the ambulance will take you directly to the regional cardiac centre at SHN’s Centenary hospital. You will be fast-tracked to get life-saving treatment right away.

Step 2: Take Aspirin

If the 911 operator advises and you are not allergic, chew and swallow one adult Aspirin—or two baby Aspirin (80 mg tablets). This can help to prevent blood clotting.

Step 3: Try to Relax

Stop all physical activity and lie down. Remain calm until the ambulance arrives.

  • Chest pain
  • Pain going to arms, neck or jaw
  • Nausea, shortness of breath, or cold sweat
  • Other signs: Extreme fatigue, heart palpitations, indigestion, dizziness or light-headedness

Our Services

The regional cardiovascular rehabilitation service supports patients with a cardiovascular disease, as well as those at high risk of developing a cardiovascular disease, to get on track to better heart health. This six-month program helps to improve your quality of life through supervised exercise, education and guided lifestyle change. The regional service is available virtually, as well as throughout Scarborough, Durham and beyond, at hospital and community sites closer to where you live and work.

Ocean eReferral

This program now accepts Ocean eReferrals! For additional information, please email your Ontario Health East Deployment Team at contact@ereferralontarioeast.ca.

Registering for Ocean

SHN, the Scarborough Ontario Health Team (SOHT), and Scarborough Family Physicians Network (SFPN) are working together to support healthcare providers in our community who may be interested in onboarding onto Ocean. Get started by completing the Ontario Health East online form.

Scarborough Health Network (SHN) is improving patient outcomes through its successful use of “A Touch Away” technology, aimed at providing patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure (CHF) with remote healthcare from the comfort of home.

How “A Touch Away” works:

This easy-to-use application can be installed on a computer, tablet or smartphone, and dramatically improves patient outcomes by enabling: virtual communication between patients and physicians; remote patient monitoring; care plan management; and clinical workflows.

What does this mean for COPD and CHF patients?

  • Seamless communication between the patient, their caregivers, care team members, and anyone else in the circle of care, through a secure private health information platform supporting video conferencing, messages, and group chat.
  • Two-way video calls for the patient and physician, with the ability to add a third person. Patients can initiate a video call with one simple touch.
  • Secure text messages between circle of care members or group chats. Conversations are encrypted to safeguard patients’ health information.
  • Patients and physicians can send and receive images, videos, and documents as attachments in text messages or group chats. Files are stored temporarily and expire after 72 hours to protect confidentiality.

Speak with your Cardiologist to find out if using “A Touch Away” is right for you.

Cardiac Specialty Clinics

How to Access Care

Contact Us

Cath Lab
Centenary Hospital, 2nd Floor
416-284-8131 ext. 65326

Arrhythmia Management Clinic
Centenary Hospital, 2nd Floor

General Hospital, 1st Floor
416-438-2911 ext. 88306

Central Booking Office
Centenary Hospital, 11th Floor
1-855-448-5471 or 416-281-7022

Birchmount Hospital –416-495-2590

Centenary Hospital –416-281-7400

General Hospital –416-431-8110 ext. 2

Cardio-Oncology Clinic
General Hospital
Central Wing, 1st Floor
416-438-2911 ext. 87811

Heart Function Clinic
General Hospital
Central Wing, 1st Floor
416-438-2911 ext. 86016

Referral Forms

Ocean eReferral

These clinics now accept Ocean eReferrals! For additional information, please email your Ontario Health East Deployment Team at contact@ereferralontarioeast.ca.

SHN, the Scarborough Ontario Health Team (SOHT), and Scarborough Family Physicians Network (SFPN) are working together to support healthcare providers in our community who may be interested in onboarding onto Ocean. Get started by completing the Ontario Health East online form.

PDF Referrals