Update to phone lines at our Birchmount, General, and Centenary hospitals: If calling through Birchmount main line (416-495-2400), add “7” when dialing an extension. If calling through General main line (416-438-2911), add “8” when dialing an extension. If calling through Centenary main line (416-284-8131), add “6” when dialing an extension.

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre

We understand.
It’s not your fault.
You are not alone.

two hands holding one hand
General Information

General Information

The Scarborough Hospital aims to provide an outstanding care experience that meet the unique needs of each and every patient in the community. The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre (SA/DVCC) is the regional center in Scarborough and is highly regarded for the exceptional care it provides to meet the sensitive needs of a vulnerable population. With care that is offered 24 hours a day to men, women, and transgendered individuals 12 years of age and older who have been sexually assaulted or experienced intimate partner violence, the centre is a vital service in the Scarborough community. The staff team comprised of highly trained nurses to deliver exceptional quality care to meet the unique needs of each individual.

Emergency response with a mobile team is available to ensure all patients receive appropriate and timely access to treatment and counselling. SHN have recently expanded its boundaries to partnership with North York General Hospital to provide care that is timely and accessible in the community for clients experiencing Sexual Assault and or Domestic Violence.

What We Offer

  • 24-hour emergency care
  • Counselling
  • Crisis intervention
  • Medical care (testing and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Illnesses, Plan B and HIV Post-exposure Prophylaxis),
  • Forensic care (documentation and evidence collection)
  • Risk assessment and appropriate safety planning
  • Referral to community resources.

Follow-up Counselling

Follow-up counselling services are available through Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (SCHC) by a team of counsellors trained in trauma-based therapy. SCHC is a multi-service, patient-focused organization dedicated to addressing many aspects of health, including physical, mental, social, financial and environmental, for residents in Scarborough who face barriers to staying healthy.

How to Access Care

How to Access Care

Contact Us

Services are provided to individuals who arrive at the Emergency Departments.

General Hospital

Birchmount Hospital

Centenary Hospital

For more information, contact the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre directly at 416-495-2555.

Referral information

Patients who receive care from emergency services, but who require more extensive counselling can self-refer to Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities. Patients can receive help in completing the referral form in their follow-up visit with the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.