Scarborough Health Network (SHN) values the remarkable contributions of students to our health care team. In partnership with academic centres, we are committed to providing an exceptional teaching and learning environment in which to shape your future career in health care. Under the guidance of our highly experienced, skilled and knowledgeable staff and physicians, we offer a wide range of learning experiences to students of all ages and disciplines, in all programs and services of SHN.
Practical students
Practical experiences are available in a wide range of services and programs for students with a non-clinical focus. Student types include, but are not limited to Office Administration, Waste Management, Environmental Services, Human Resources, Business, Health Administration, and Research.
The student practicum program includes a student general orientation student recognition events, preceptor workshops, and ongoing evaluation surveys to continuously improve the quality of the student practicum program.
Co-operative students
College and university co-op positions are available in a variety of programs and services of SHN. If you are interested in a co-op position, check with your program of study to see if SHN has posted a position in your specific area of interest. Other inquiries related to co-op positions can be directed to
High school community volunteer
High school students who are interested in volunteering can volunteer at a wide range of programs and services at SHN, through our volunteers program. To get involved in this program, contact volunteer services. Student volunteers must be 15 years to join. Student volunteers will be expected to commit to one day a week for a calendar year. Other inquiries related to volunteer positions can be directed to or visit the Volunteer Services page.
High school co-operative education
This program is offered to students in grades 11, and 12 who are interested in completing their co-op credit(s) in a health care setting. It provides exposure to, and experience with a variety of health care professionals to help determine their future career choice. To register for the Fall and/or Winter terms, contact your guidance counselors or co-op teacher for current co-op listings offered at SHN. With co-op we all win. Other inquiries related to co-op positions can be directed to
Take Our Kids To Work
SHN participates in the “Take Our Kids to Work Program” offered each November. This is a scheduled one-day program offered to grade 9 students to learn a little bit about the work world by shadowing their parent, guardian or other sponsor in the workplace. SHN supports participation in the program so that students can learn about the possible employment opportunities in a hospital setting. Contact your guidance counselor at your school if you are interested in participating in the program.