Staff Resources

Scarborough Health Network provides secure online access for its staff and physicians to log in to internal resources such as email, intranet, Meditech, learning modules and the hospital’s shared drives.

If you are not able to access these services, please contact the Birchmount and General HelpDesk at 416-438-2911 ext. 82492, or the Centenary HelpDesk at 416-284-8131 ext. 67107.

Staff Attendance

Volunteer Resources

Employee Assistance Program

  • Available to all SHN employees, professional staff, students and contractors
  • Provided by Telus Health
  • Call 1-844-880-9142 or TTY: 1-877-338-0275 for confidential and immediate assistance 24/7/365
  • Access online: TelusHealthOne
  • Download app on your mobile or tablet’s app store:
Google Play button
Apple Store button
  • For additional information about EFAP and the SHN Wellness Program, contact