Getting ready to build Centenary’s new Northpine Emergency Department
We are excited to be building the new, state-of-the-art Northpine Emergency Department at Centenary Hospital, with support from the Ontario government and #LoveScarborough campaign. Please plan ahead and allow extra time for parking as construction is underway. We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to Build It Forward for our community.
Birchmount Hospital
Visitors parking lot: This lot is located on the north side of the hospital.
Short-term spaces: There is some short-term meter parking available outside the Emergency Department. This parking is for emergency use only.
Pay stations are located on the main floor and in the covered kiosk in the visitor parking lot.
Centenary Hospital
North lot: This lot is located at the front of the building. There are also accessibility spaces available near the North Entrance. It is closest to the Medical Mall and the main lobby.
South lot: This lot is located at the rear of the building. It is closest to the emergency department and the South Entrance. There are also nine accessibility spaces available near the South Entrance.
Emergency lot: The emergency lot is located just outside of the emergency department, on the east side of the building. It has accessibility spaces near the East Entrance.
Shoniker Clinic lot: We have a number of spaces for visitors at the Shoniker Clinic building, which is across from the main hospital building.
Pay stations are located inside the main Court entrance (off of the South lot), at the Margaret Birch Wing entrance (off of the North lot), and the emergency department entrance.
General Hospital
Visitors parking garage: There is a covered, multi-level parking garage located on the west side of the hospital. The entrance to the lot is off of Lawrence Avenue East.
Pay stations are located in the main entrance and in the Medical Mall across from Rexall.
Parking Rates
Standard Parking
Time to Park | Cost |
0-30 minutes | $4 |
31-60 minutes | $8 |
61-90 minutes | $12 |
90 minutes – 24 hours | $16 |
Daily Rate (in-and-out privileges) | $20 |
As you drive into the parking lot, you will receive a ticket at the gate. Please bring this ticket with you after parking. When you’re ready to go, you may pay by credit card at a pay station as you leave the hospital.
A lost ticket will be $20.
Long-term Parking
Days to Park | Cost |
All Day Pass (in-and-out privileges) | $20 |
5 Day Pass (non-consecutive days) | $40 |
10-Day Pass (non-consecutive days) | $80 |
30-Day Pass (non-consecutive days) | $240 |
You can purchase a long-term parking pass at the parking office at each of our hospitals, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Payment methods include credit and cash.
For more information, please contact the Parking Office at 416-438-2911 ext. 88206.