FITT Clinic

First Intervention Treatment Team

General Information

Scarborough Health Network’s First Intervention Treatment Team (FITT) provides early intervention for those experiencing psychosis.

Simply put: getting help early means that a person can start living life again.

The FITT clinic aims to reduce and manage experiences of psychosis and support adolescents and young adults in achieving their educational, vocational, and social goals.

More about our program

Clients who are referred to FITT will be contacted within 72 hours. An intake appointment will be set up to determine program eligibility and gather relevant information.

The FITT Clinic is staffed by an interdisciplinary team consisting of a child and youth worker, a registered nurse, an occupational therapist, and social workers. We also have consultation and support from psychiatrists.

Clients will:

  • Be 14 to 35 years old
  • Be experiencing symptoms of psychosis
  • Have received less than 6 months of treatment for psychosis, or no treatment at all
  • Be a resident of Scarborough with an M1 postal code

Clients who meet the criteria for FITT will be able to receive services for a period of three years. Clients who meet their goals may graduate from the program earlier; clients who initially have problems engaging and/or becoming stable may require a longer period of treatment.

Success with the FITT program is defined by a recovery model designed to reduce symptomology and help youth create a pathway to living a rich and meaningful life.

Focusing on recovery means the client is helped to develop a plan for a satisfying and successful life, and is assisted in setting goals in areas that include healthy living, housing, work, education, friendships, spirituality and intimacy. The FITT team will work hard to help you create, maintain, and achieve your goals.

Our Services

Our services are client- and family-centred. Clients are engaged in their own care and treatment. Families are engaged in the client’s care as much as possible. FITT services are youth friendly, age appropriate and sensitive to gender and culture. We aim to support clients in recovering and maintaining age-appropriate social roles (e.g., going to school, maintaining a job). Services are linked to other services and supports in the community, particularly primary care. Treatment is provided in the least restrictive and stigmatizing setting. Home-based treatment may be appropriate for some adolescents and young adults.

Following a comprehensive assessment, we create individualized plans consisting of the services we offer.

What we offer

Individual intervention

Individual interventions: clients meet individually with staff to set goals, receive education about psychosis and monitor progress. Individual Psychotherapy may also be provided.

Group intervention

We offer a variety of social recreational and psycho education groups to both clients and their family members. Group psychotherapy may also be provided.

Case management

Clients are assigned a case manager who:

  • Coordinates the treatment team and treatment process
  • Links the client to other services and supports (i.e., addiction services, primary care)
  • Works collaboratively with the client’s psychiatrist

Psychiatric consultation

Our team includes both child and adolescent and adult psychiatrists. Clients are seen in a timely manner to assess and initiate treatment.

Accessing care

Getting started

A family doctor or nurse practitioner can refer a client to our clinic through Ocean eReferral or by faxing us our Child Adolescent Outpatient Referral form (see below).

Ocean e-referral

We are now accepting Ocean eReferrals! For additional information, please email your Ontario Health East Deployment Team at

SHN, the Scarborough Ontario Health Team (SOHT), and Scarborough Family Physicians Network (SFPN) are working together to support healthcare providers in our community who may be interested in onboarding onto Ocean. Get started by completing the Ontario Health East online form.

Contact Us

Call for appointment inquiries: 416-431-8167
Call for general inquiries: 416-281-7301
Fax referral forms: 416-281-7465
Fax non-referral forms: 437-780-5562