Strategic Plan Update banner

It has been a year since we first defined ourselves as Scarborough Health Network and launched the building blocks for our very first Strategic Plan at our 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM)!

Since that time, we have marked so many exciting achievements as we steadily move toward our bold, new course to be Canada’s leading community teaching health network ” transforming your health experience.

At this year’s AGM, we celebrated a year in review of SHN’s Strategic Plan 2018-23 and the work we have started in advancing our four strategic directions.

Strategic Direction icons

Each of our strategic directions is being led by two Senior Leadership Team Co-Sponsors and supported by separate Task Force teams. Together, teams, including you, have established 64 initiatives to put our strategic directions into action.

We have already completed several initiatives and activities, and we will continue to implement many foundational initiatives throughout 2019-20 that allow us to reach key goals for each Strategic Direction. As we continue rolling out this implementation plan with staff, physicians, volunteers, and community partners, we are committed to regularly monitoring and reporting on progress over the next year.

Here are just a few examples of our achievements and goals we will be focusing on.

List of goals and initiatives

Congratulations on an amazing first year of our Strategic Plan! Thank you for being compassionate, inclusive, courageous, and innovative in your work, and improving lives through exceptional care everyday. Together, we are taking important strides towards bringing our strategic directions to life and truly shaping the future of care.

To learn more, watch Exploring our Strategic Plan 2018-23 (below) where Dr. Zoutman and I sit down with Michele James to talk about our new strategic plan, and check out

Looking forward to a transformative 2019 – 2020!

Thanks for all you do each and every day, daily.

Signature: Elizabeth Buller