SHN’s Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Clinic offers patients in Scarborough and beyond greater access to diagnosis and additional treatment options in the management of PKD. This chronic disease causes progressive cysts on the kidneys, enlarging them slowly, and leading patients to need.
SHN has partnered with Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical Inc., manufacturer of JINARC (tolvaptan), the first treatment indicated to slow the progression of kidney enlargement in PKD. Patients who meet the conditions for treatment with JINARC, and who only have partial private health insurance coverage or none at all, can apply to the ORIJIN Patient Support Program sponsored by Otsuka, which offers financial assistance and compassionate access programs.
Along with the treatment, a key component to success with the PKD Clinic is SHN’s interprofessional team of experts. Research shows that early screening and management, which involves many health care providers including nephrologists, nurses, dietitians, social workers, and pharmacists, have led to positive patient outcomes and improved self-management of the disease.
The following are completed at the PKD clinic (adapted from PKD clinic at UHN):
• Diagnosis, prognosis and management of your polycystic kidney disease.
• Genetic counselling for diagnosis (at the Centenary Genetic clinic), prognosis and family planning.
• Management of other organ complications.
• Treatment options using approved (e.g. Tolvaptan) or experimental (e.g. cystic kidney volume reduction by foam sclerotherapy; novel drug clinical trials) therapy in polycystic kidney disease. (tolvaptan, kidney sclerotherapy at SHN)
• Treatment options for polycystic liver disease (we use Octreotide, liver sclerotherapy at SHN and refer to UHN for liver specialist as needed/ e also refer to our liver specialist at SHN)
• Management and treatment options for intracranial arterial aneurysm(s)
Clinic Hours
General hospital
Multi-Care Kidney Clinic
First floor, East Wing
Wednesdays (bi-weekly), 9 a.m. to noon