We are excited to be building the new, state-of-the-art Northpine Emergency Department at Centenary Hospital. Please plan ahead and allow extra time for parking as construction is underway. Learn more.


Ultrasound Imaging is a diagnostic test that uses high frequency sound waves to display soft tissue structures in the human body. It is a safe and useful tool to examine blood vessels and soft tissue organs such as the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, breasts and pelvic organs. Because ultrasound images are captured in real time, they can show movement of internal tissues and organs and allow radiologists to see blood flow as well as structure.

Doppler ultrasound is a special technique used to examine blood flow and help evaluate, blockages to blood flow, build-up of plaque in a vessel and congenital abnormalities. Ultrasound guided, invasive examinations include prostate, breast, liver and thyroid biopsies; and thoracentesis and paracentesis.

Ultrasound does not emit any radiation to the patient, therefore the preferred test for imaging pregnant women and babies.

During the ultrasound, the technologist applies gel on the skin and moves the transducer along the area of interest. Gentle pressure is applied to allow technologists to visualize the body part. Each test can range from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the complexity of the case.

What We Offer

Our Ultrasound Imaging team provides high-quality services, including:

  • Abdominal imaging
  • Pelvic and pelvic transvaginal imaging
  • Renal transplant work-up
  • Gynecological imaging
  • Male pelvic examination
  • Obstetrical imaging
  • Vascular imaging
  • Adult hip imaging (effusion)
  • Paediatric (brain, hip and spine) imaging
  • Small parts (breast, thyroid, scrotum) imaging
  • Ultrasound guided biopsies (breast, thyroid, renal and liver biopsy)
  • Musculoskeletal (shoulder and knee) imaging
  • Thoracentesis and paracentesis under interventional procedures (to extract fluid from the chest or abdomen)

Patient Preparation

  • If you do not speak English, please arrange to have a translator present, otherwise your test may need to be re-scheduled.
  • Ask your physician if there are any other specific preparations required for your procedure.

Where to Find Us

Birchmount hospital
Main level, 2nd Floor

Centenary hospital
Margaret Birch Wing, 2nd Floor

General hospital
Diagnostic Imaging, 1st floor

Contact Us

Tel: 416-431-8167
Fax: 416-431-8141