We are excited to be building the new, state-of-the-art Northpine Emergency Department at Centenary Hospital. Please plan ahead and allow extra time for parking as construction is underway. Learn more.

Bone Densitometry

Bone Densitometry (BMD) is a fast, simple procedure which helps to properly manage osteoporosis – minimizing injury and disability, improving quality of life and reducing the personal and societal costs associated with this disease. The bone densitometer measures the total cortical and trabecular mineral content of the hip and spine. It also compares the patient’s measurements to a referred population based on age, weight, sex and ethnic background.

The technologist will assist you to lay on your back in different positions, and an overhead scanner will move to assess lower back and hip. Other body parts may also be scanned such as wrists, or whole body. Bone densitometry uses a very small amount of X-Ray and is typically recommended once every few years (3-5 years) for most adults over the age of 50.

Patient Preparation

  • If you do not speak English, please arrange to have a translator present, otherwise your test may need to be re-scheduled.
  • Do not take any calcium supplements the night before or morning of the appointment.
  • No other Nuclear Medicine examinations to be performed within 2 days prior to the appointment.
  • No examinations using Barium Sulphate (X-ray or CT) to be performed within 3 weeks of the appointment.
  • The patient is encouraged to wear loose clothing like sweatpants with no zippers or metal. You may need to change into a hospital gown or remove metal zippers if wearing trousers.
  • Refer to the back of your requisition or ask your physician if there are any other specific preparations required for your procedure.

Where to Find Us

Birchmount hospital
Main Level, 2nd Floor

Centenary hospital
Margaret Birch Wing, 1st Floor

General hospital
East Wing, 1st Floor

Contact Us

Diagnostic Imaging Central Booking Office
416- 431-8167
Fax: 416-431-8141