We are pleased to announce that our Birchmount, General and Centenary hospitals have received the designation of being Using Blood Wisely Hospitals in recognition of our commitment to red blood cell resourcefulness and stewardship.
About Using Blood Wisely
Using Blood Wisely is a program designed by Choosing Wisely Canada and Canadian Blood Services to reduce the amount of needless blood transfusions in Canada. Hundreds of hospitals across the country are participating in this program, and to-date, over 100 sites have received the prestigious designation of being hospitals that are strengthening Canada’s blood supply.
SHN’s Designation
Choosing Wisely Canada and Canadian Blood Services have placed SHN among a select group of hospitals that are truly impacting patients, blood donors, and Canada’s blood supply.
We would like to commend our medical staff on their combined efforts to reduce the amount of unnecessary red blood cell transfusions. This designation is as a testament to their outstanding work, and showcases their devotion to responsible blood use and optimization of this vital resource.
SHN extends our heartfelt gratitude to every person involved in achieving this milestone.
Below you will find our official designation letter from the leaders of Choosing Wisely Canada and Canadian Blood Services as well as the certificates for each hospital: