
Scarborough Health Network’s (SHN) is a unique setting for clinical research opportunities based on our location, diverse catchment area and our regional programs. This means there are opportunities for SHN to develop research not only in and for our community of Scarborough but also on an international level as no other Canadian hospital has this same opportunity. This means that we conduct research that addresses the changing needs of our community while looking to improve the patient experience.

The Research Office supports innovative health research conducted by our staff and physicians across all sites as well as Family Medicine resident research projects. We are the liaison between Physician Investigators and other groups, such as sponsoring agencies, Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), collaborating institutions and various offices, both on- and off-site. We ensure appropriate stewardship, regulatory and financial compliance for all types of research initiatives. We collaborate in health research initiatives with other organizations, staying up to date on the latest research SHN’s staff and physicians lead and participate in. This includes numerous health research initiatives aimed at providing the best quality of care to our patients.

The Research office is also committed to ensuring that we provide clinical research training requirements, including access to training such as Health Canada Food and Drug Regulations (FDR), and The International Conference on Harmonization: Good Clinical Practice (ICH:E6)

We ensure all our SHN researchers have the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2) prior to the start of any new research study.

In addition, the Research Office is responsible for:

  • Initial Review of all research submissions both for new and ongoing studies.
  • Review of all research contracts and budgets.
  • Ensuring all research maintains REB approval.
  • Credentialing of research staff
  • Researcher support

The Research Ethics Board (REB) ensures that research is designed and conducted with the utmost regard for the people who choose to participate in research studies.

At SHN, the REB’s clear moral foundation requires that people will not be disadvantaged by research participation. The SHN REB is responsible, on behalf of the hospital, for ensuring that the rights, safety, and well-being of clinical trial participants are the most important consideration — even above the interests of science. The basic ethical principles of the REB are to do no harm (non-maleficence), to disclose all facts, to communicate truthfully (veracity), and to conduct valid research.

The REB and Research office ensure all research complies with the Canadian Tri-Council Policy Statement for Conducting Research in Humans (TCPS2), the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, and the Personal Health Information Act.

SHN REB is comprised of the following members:

  • REB Chair is SHN physician with extensive clinical research and REB expertise.
  • Physicians and Registered Nurses from various Clinical Departments
  • Clinical Ethicists
  • Community Members with expertise in different types of research
  • Former Patient
  • Lawyer
  • Pharmacist
  • Privacy Expert
  • All REB members have completed TCPS2 Certification.

REB Policies and Procedures:

If you wish to put in a new research submission, please contact the Research Office directly to discuss. The Research Office will provide you with the most up-to-date research package and other study forms. The Research Office will also provide you with guidance for your submission.

Credentialing Research Personnel:

Some studies may require access to hospital information. Research Personnel from outside the hospital must be credentialed in order to gain access to IT, Health Records, and ID badges for working on hospital grounds.

Please contact the Research Office to provide assistance on how to ensure proper credentialing of your research personnel.

Research dissemination is important in order to show how research results can be applied in healthcare, to directly or indirectly improve the quality of care for our patients.

Do You Have Questions?

For questions or clarifications regarding the REB process (including whether the submission qualifies as a delegated review or a full board review), REB membership, research contracts, etc.